Ficklish Blog

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Typing just as fast as I can....

A close call, this evening - the problem I always knew I'd have with something like nablopomo is the fact that my schedule is all over the place and I haven't yet worked out how to update my blog directly from my brain.

It started so innocently, as always: 6pm, I'm finishing work and thinking, 'oh, I'll just stay a while and write something, no problem!'. Then someone says those fatal words. "Anyone fancy a quiet one?"

And I protest. Honestly I do. But these are good people, my work folk, and I haven't made enough of an effort to befriend them. So I think, 'oh, a quiet one. No problem, I'll be home soon and can write then.'

Long story short, I had a lovely evening with excellent ladies. But now I've got mere moments to spare to get an entry in. And this is the kind of quality you get. Sorry, folks. Wine is very tasty.

Here are the topics that sprang to mind just now, desperately trying to think of something I could write about: the wonders of SMASH, the problems of living with a newly-minted couple who alternate nights of schmooping all over each other with horrific arguments that make my skin prickle, and changes to the UK skilled migrants program announced today which make me nervous and will continue to do so until I have a chance to read about them further.

But! I cannot expand upon these subjects, because I have to hit that little post button below. Forgive me. Arbitrarily self-imposed time limits are stupid.

But tipsy posting is sometimes funny. I'll do better. I hope you all had an excellent day.


Blogger jLo said...

Hah! My computer clock is fast. Apparently I had eight whole minutes to spare. Not that it would have made much of a difference.

Thankfully, tomorrow is another day.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey JLo! Its Karen Lee from AB's office - how you doing girl? Its so good reading your blog and we thought of you recently as past staffers have been popping into Parly House for visits. Wishing you all the best, take care and am so envious of all your travels!

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky the London pubs shut at 11pm (or has that extended hours legislation passed yet?) At least you get forcibly kicked out, have time for a kebab, a 20 minute tube ride, a wobbly walk home, a glass of water, and then a quick blog before passing out.

7:30 AM  
Blogger jLo said...

Karen! How awesome to hear from you. Hope all is grand - tell everyone I said HI and I'll definitely pop in when I'm next in town.

Ed: did you have a surveillance camera in operation last night? Absolutely spot on except for the kebab - but I did stop for bread on the way home so that I could have vegemite toast. Mmm, vegemite toast.

kPo - thanks, lovey! I can't believe I haven't fallen off the wagon already. And I happen to know for a fact that you are well aware of just how good after-work drinks can be...

10:23 PM  

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