Ficklish Blog

Friday, November 17, 2006


There is an Episode 3, but I think I need to save it in case next week is anything like this one and I need a post in reserve. I always welcome Friday with the very openest of arms, but today this is particularly true. I'm not even too bothered at the prospect of the charity concert that is about to commence, because as soon as it is done I can sleep.

It's been something of a crazy week.

I hinted in a previous post that the Home Office recently announced some intriguing changes to one of their visa programs. For the first time, I caught a wee sniff of a chance that I might be able to extend my stay here beyond next May (when my permission to work would expire). As much as I love you all (and you know that I do), I've become increasingly convinced of late that my business here will not be done by then. In fact, even though it's several months away, I was already becoming a tad bereft at the prospect of having to leave.

Anyway, long story short, I have been busily taking advice from people who know about these type of things (and who will happily charge me significantly large amounts of money in order to handle my application), doing some frantic calculations, and making swift decisions about my current pay setup and the best way to maximise my chances of being able to hit the required earnings targets in order to qualify for one of these magical visas. The way it stands now is that if a number of variables all resolve themselves in my favour AND if I manage to work every single possible day that I can between now and next May, then I might just make it. If I lose my job, I'm done for. I'm speaking cryptically, I know, and I know it's not exactly classified information. I just feel like I might be tempting fate too much to discuss it in too much detail. At any rate, all this coupled with an being insanely busy at work, planning a Christmas trip, making financial arrangements for our flat move next weekend, and trying to work out how in hell I'm going to pay the horrifically large Australian tax bill I've just received (damn you, HECS debt!) - it's been quite a week.

I wish you all the very best of weekends. I'm off to sing Waltzing Matilda in the name of needy children, then to bed. I'm going to tell you all about my Christmas trip tomorrow.


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